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Marin Barclay leaning on the counter with a cup of coffee in her hands ,smiling

Working With Your Food Challenges Through Simplicity!


Expert guidance, targeted support and real, attainable solutions are here for you.

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How long have you been caught in the never-ending cycle of striving to maintain a 'clean' diet, only to end up frustrated and sick, grappling with the physical discomfort and pain that so often accompany food challenges?

How well are you managing your food challenges?

Combine that with well-intentioned but misinformed guidance from doctors, friends, family, and coworkers, and it may seem like you're navigating a labyrinth alone, with no one truly comprehending your struggles. This overwhelming spiral is a common path for those dealing with food challenges.

You need an expert ready to answer your questions, provide clarity on what may be truly beneficial and to help you acquire tools you can use and the knowledge you need to live your healthiest life!

Marin and her daughter, close up of faces, smiling and eating veggies

Who We Are

Welcome to a world of sustainable health and well-being. Our mission is to guide you toward your goals with personalized nutrition coaching. Embark on your journey today, and let's achieve your dreams – together.

Who We Help

Food challenges know no boundaries; they affect people of all genders, ages, nationalities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. We recognize and empathize with your journey, and we are here to support you

How We Help

Experience the power of expert guidance, tailored meal plans, and unwavering support on your path to optimal wellness. Say goodbye to confusion and frustration, and say hello to sustainable changes, increased energy, and revitalized life.

3 Key Benefits of Working with Eats Simply

A flyer that says good news stapled on to a tree trunk

Personalized Guidance

We offer personalized advice and meal plans crafted to meet your specific needs, preferences, and goals. This personalized approach guarantees that you receive dietary guidance perfectly tailored to your unique circumstances.

Two hands making a heart shape

Accountability & Support

We are here to provide continuous and just-in-time support and motivation, assisting you in staying committed to your dietary and lifestyle adjustments. The accountability we offer can be a powerful driving force in both reaching and sustaining your health goals.

Canned Food

Education & Empowerment

We believe in providing more than just meal plans; and are dedicated to educating you about nutrition, enabling you to make informed choices. This knowledge empowers you to take control of your health and make lasting, sustainable improvements to help you THRIVE!

It's been almost a year since our son was diagnosed with Celiac and various other food allergies. Our world was completely turned upside down and everything we knew about grocery shopping, cooking and eating was out the window. Marin went above and beyond helping us to adjust to what would be our new norm. From familiarizing us with the location of allergy friendly foods in the grocery store, to reading food labels, in-home consultations, recipes, restaurant recommendations, food sampling (because lets be real, allergy friendly foods are pricey) and just being a counselor when the rough patches happen, which was quite often in the beginning...she was there through it all  and continues to be there to support us. Our son is in a much better place now than he was a year ago. He has put on weight, has learned to advocate for himself, is a label reading pro, and has learned to embrace his differences among his peers. Marin has been a huge part of our journey and our hearts will forever be grateful for her wisdom, guidance and heart to share healing through individulaized food nutrition. At the end of the day, "it feels good to feel good". Let her help you feel good again.
Natasha F.

Alexa Young, CA

Are you ready to begin overcoming your food challenges?

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